The protection of your sensitive data is often disregarded. But the encrypting of diaries, pictures or other secret documents with the AES- or Blowfish-Algorithm is relatively simple. With the help of the Easy Encryption Technologie (EEnTe) only few steps are necessary to protect your files. Simple select the files in the File Explorer and open the context-menu with the right mouse button. Then click under the entry 'abylon CRYPT' on the point 'Encrypt' and enter a password or insert a smartcard into your card reader. Supported cards are the 'EC MoneyCard' with chip, the 'Health Insurance Card' or for the professional use the certificate smartcard or USB-Token of various provider. Finally the encrypting of the data occurs with the Blowfish- (448 bits key length) or the AES-Algorithm (256 bit key length). The encrypted files can be open without a permanently decrypting. Only in case of changes the files is updated. For this purpose created temporary files and also the source files will be deleted by an automatically overwrite mechanism (Shredder-Level adjustable). Also the program offer a CRYPT-ASSISTANT and a surface for compressed ZIP-files.
For professional user the software support the signing and asymmetric encryption on the basis of X.509 certificates (PKCS-Standard of RSA). The administration of the certificates occurs about the integrated certificate manager. The creation of selfsigned certificates and so called Secure Message Envelopes (SME files = Signing and encrypting in one step) is also possible.